Our greatest story-telling influences are Japanese directors Akira Kurosawa (Seven Samurai, Ikiru, High & Low) and Yasujiro Ozu (Tokyo Story, Late Spring). Kurosawa's films are charged with extraordinary emotion and often terrible violence. Ozu's focuses on the quiet desperation and struggle within families.
At their core, both Kurosawa and Ozu's films examine the human condition.
A passion project we are currently developing, a feature titled “Diwa”, examines the human condition of immigrants in today's America.
Our film is a hard, realistic look at the plight of illegal immigrant workers victimized by violent and sexual crimes and the obstacles they face - all told thru the eyes of one female victim.
We want to use Diwa's story to give voice to the plight of all immigrants (legal and illegal) as well as victims of violence and prejudice everywhere.
We feel a great responsibility to bring important, untold stories like “Diwa” to life.
Aina Dumlao | IMDb
Bru Muller | IMDb
Corey Cooper | IMdb